Author: Ritt

Tricks And Treats

fish for dinner tonight
fillet of soul
how appropiate
maybe tomorrow Janey
will make some chicken soup
and Zoe will create a miracle
with eggplant and spices
plum tomatoes for the sauce
though some say gravy
the jumble is syndicated
in papers throughout the land
any body know the third word
i never do the answers
too depressing
herbal spheres scratch my throat
time to drink a beer or three
there's more reason too than
not too
my exercise machine needs a
but first you have to
clean out my garage
reminds me of a joke
nah never mind
everybody is looking
for the straight line
c'mon now
the world is round
and slanted
tough guys like
soft girls
soft girls like
hard guys
go figure
the night is shining
with pieces of blue
between the angels feathers
free falling in a dream
i float
is it morning yet
or is it still monday
i can never tell
halloween candy and goofy masks
trick or treat
well it'll be thanksgiving
then Christmas
and we could go sleigh riding
fish is done
and my soul is hungry

by ritt